DGMV-ID: your partner for 360-degree credential protection

When companies store customer passwords, they put themselves at risk of account takeovers, which can lead to serious financial and reputational damage.

As technology continues to evolve and cyberattacks become evermore common, password storage presents one of the digital world’s biggest risks.

A single data breach exposes thousands of passwords to hackers, who can then use these credentials to access personal accounts and cause significant damage to consumers and businesses.

The true cost of data breaches

Recent years have seen multiple instances of organizational password breaches. In 2021, LinkedIn revealed that 700 million user records – including passwords – had been stolen as a result of a data breach.

This personal information was sold on the dark web, and the whole incident is set to cost LinkedIn millions of dollars in damages.

Another example can be found at Capital One, whose 2019 data breach exposed more than 100 million customers’ personal information and passwords – costing the company over 300 million dollars, as well as doing irreparable damage to its reputation and customer trust.

A passwordless solution

From these examples, we can clearly see the imperative that companies take immediate action to double down on protecting the passwords they store. But what’s the solution?

One option is to move away from traditional passwords and embrace passwordless authentication instead.

DGMV-ID – the passwordless authenticator app from DigiCorp Labs – eliminates the need for multiple passwords and makes accessing sites and services simple and seamless.

With the app installed on your phone, all you have to do is unlock your device, scan a QR code and let the authenticator do the rest.

360-degree protection

Based on decentralized DigiByte blockchain wallet technology our unique solution uses biometrics and one-time-pad technology to provide ultimate security for your online experience.

With DGMV-ID, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of account takeovers and data breaches.

This 360-degree solution has everything you need to protect not only your company, employees and consumers, but your front- and back-end too.

Last updated